I have seen many people especially us, Indians who tend to take things for granted or rather too lightly...Most of the times the people are just satisfied with what they have got.They are just simply content with life.
"Why are people so content?",I ask myself.Sometimes I myself do feel content. But still I am trying to seek the reason..
Are we afraid or tired to ask for more?Have we forgotten to fight?
I have tried many times to fight and ask.But most of the times I have found myself waging a lone battle...
I sometimes think, isn't there anyone who feels that we need to wake up and ask for what is our right and what is our need?
I was traveling in a public transport once and as usual it was packed with people like an ant-hole.
I requested one gentleman to vacate the seat where he was seated as it was a seat reserved for ladies.But Mr. Gentleman plainly refused to give up his seat...
I asked the conductor for help but it was in vain..I looked at few ladies around but they too were looking at me as if I had made a mistake of asking for a seat which probably Mr. gentleman seemed to be owning...
Its so sad to see a human being having no feeling for another human being...
I wish people wake-up and make this world a better place to live...
I wish people stop being content....because being content will only stop growth of us as a human being and also as a nation...